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Female Empowerment Through Organisations

Mar 14, 2023
Female Empowerment Through Organisations

As this month is women’s history month, we wanted to highlight some crucial organisations that promote female empowerment - as well as focus on gender equality across all areas of life. In the workplace, when leaders strive to create gender equality, it helps the economy (and society) as a whole. 

While one of the main goals of female empowerment organisations is to remind women of their worth, these organisations also strive to improve society as a whole.

But, before we get into it - let’s address the elephant in the room: “well, what about men?”

It’s important to remind ourselves (and others) that gender equality is just that - creating an equal playing field, opportunity, and society for all. 

There should never be a time that men are made to feel lesser than or not as important when it comes to female empowerment - as empowerment is all about support and allyship as much as it’s about bringing women to the forefront of a lot of conversations surrounding equality.

So, remember this!

#1 Plan International

“Plan International UK is a global children’s charity. We work with girls and boys growing up in some of the world’s poorest communities, making sure they have access to the education, health care, clean water and future opportunities they need to thrive.

We’re also working to create a just and equal world for girls – including here in the UK. Through our Because I am a Girl campaign we’re standing with brave girls everywhere as they take on the issues that matter to them, from child marriage to street harassment and sexual exploitation at work.

We’re fighting for a world where every child, especially every girl, knows their value. We want the communities they’re growing up in – and the world around them – to value them too. And if a disaster strikes we’re there to protect children, keep them learning and help them to recover.”

#2 GVI 

“Make a lasting contribution by joining a women’s empowerment program abroad. Join other like-minded individuals from around the world as you assist women with their personal and professional development. 

Let’s bridge the gap between genders, together.

GVI works with local organisations on the ground to make a lasting impact on women’s empowerment issues. From education initiatives to business guidance, English teaching, micro-enterprise development and public health programs, there’s a number of opportunities for you to support women’s empowerment with GVI.”

#3 Global fund for women

“Global Fund for Women envisions a world where movements for gender justice have transformed power and privilege for a few into equity and equality for all.

We were founded over 30 years ago to fill a critical gap in funding for local women's rights organizations. Today, we are the leading funder of gender justice organizations, initiatives and movements worldwide.” 

#4 UN Women

“UN Women is the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. A global champion for women and girls, UN Women was established to accelerate progress in meeting their needs worldwide.

UN Women supports UN Member States as they set global standards for achieving gender equality, and work with governments and civil society to design laws, policies, programmes and services needed to ensure that the standards are effectively implemented and truly benefit women and girls worldwide. 

It works globally to make the vision of the Sustainable Development Goals a reality for women and girls and stands behind women’s equal participation in all aspects of life, focusing on four strategic priorities:

#5 Women for women international

“From war-torn towns to the halls of the United Nations, our global community invests in women survivors of war and conflict, connecting them with each other, resources, and support to realize their own power. 

For 30 years, Women for Women International has used an integrated approach to invest in women’s power: We are a learning organization that listens to data, our teams around the world, and women themselves to constantly evolve and improve the way we work.” 

#6 Malala Fund

“Malala Fund is working for a world where every girl can learn and lead. Malala Fund’s Education Champion Network supports the work of educators and advocates and helps bolster girls’ secondary education around the world.”

#7 LGBT Foundation 

“LGBT Foundation's Women's Programme aims to support and empower all lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans women to improve their health and wellbeing, to improve skills, increase confidence and reduce isolation.

Our spaces are for all self-identifying lesbian, gay, bi, queer or questioning women, trans women, non-binary people wishing to access a women-centred space, and those whose gender identity includes woman some or all of the time.

 Our spaces are inclusive of women of colour, older women, and disabled women. We try to make our services welcoming and accessible to all; if you have any specific access requirements please let us know by contacting and we'll try to help.”

#8 Out of the margins

Women’s Empowerment for Change, established in 2015, is a feminist organisation focused on advocating for and with lesbian, bisexual and queer women.

Out of the Margins is an international project led by Stonewall in coalition with 24 human rights organisations, which builds evidence to advocate for the rights of lesbians, bi women and trans (LBT+) people worldwide.

While we know that lesbians, bi women and trans people face systemic exclusion and injustice, there is very little research looking specifically at their needs and rights. Their experiences are usually merged with those of the wider LGBT+ community or ignored by larger human rights institutions. As a result of this lack of specific data, global movements aren’t able to address the unique issues that affect them.”

Read our Whitepaper on How to Elevate Diversity & Inclusion within your Team

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