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How to Set New Year Goals

Jan 4, 2023
How to Set New Year Goals

New year, same you? Or new year, new you? 

It’s nearly 2024 - and that means a whole new set of New Year’s resolutions are being made around the world.

But, how will you stay consistent and create goals that really matter? We’ve got you covered.

5 steps to setting New Year goals (that you’ll stick to)
#1 Make sure they’re realistic

Setting goals in the new year can give you additional motivation and create something for you to work towards, but, the first rule of creating new year goals that you’ll stick to is ensuring that they’re realistic. So, let’s say a goal is a promotion - what kind of promotion are you going for? 

And, is it achievable in the time frame that you’ve set? The idea is to work each goal backwards and figure out how long it's going to take you, and what variables you need to consider. 

A lot of individuals choose a weight loss goal as part of their New Year's resolution - but when it becomes achievable is when the goal is sustainable and something that you can be consistent with! Apply this theory to every New Year's goal, realistic is better than something you’ll give up on in just a couple of months. 

#2 Pick two professional, and two personal

If your goals are too heavily orientated in your personal or professional life, you may feel a slight imbalance. Keeping your goals equally split between your work and personal enables you to have something to work towards in all aspects of your life! 

#3 How are you going to keep yourself accountable?

Accountability and discipline are the two key things you’re going to need to achieve any goal in life - so how are you going to do this? Write down your “checkpoints” and what you’re going to do at these stages. 

If you struggle to keep yourself accountable independently, can you entrust a friend to help you if you do the same for them? Remember, new year goals don’t need to be completely individual, you can work on them with someone else - especially if it’s a goal such as fitness, or saving towards something. 

#4 Break them down into monthly and weekly goals

Having a goal can feel like a mountain to climb (especially if that is one of your goals) - but puns aside, how can you break it down into monthly and weekly achievable goals to stay on track? Let’s say you want to climb a mountain - you’d need to break this down into monthly and weekly training goals. The same mindset applies to any other goal that you’ve set for yourself!

#5 Make sure you check in with yourself

Check in with yourself and ensure that you’re looking at the bigger picture. It’s also important to not become too consumed with your goals - there are going to be days (or even weeks) when you can’t completely be on track. Instead, the most important thing is having the right intentions and doing your best.

We wish you the best of luck with your New Year’s resolutions!

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