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Personal Branding in the Digital Age: 4 Ways to Maximise Online Visibility

Jan 29, 2024
Personal Branding in the Digital Age: 4 Ways to Maximise Online Visibility

In a world where everybody is online, how can you stand out from the crowd when building your personal brand? We’ve written a lot on this topic, from the power of personal branding to the importance of it.

However, there’s one key thing we haven’t unpacked yet - and that’s how to maximise your online visibility once your personal brand is up and running. Let’s set the scene for you.

You’re 2-3 months into your personal branding journey, and you’ve experienced some highs and also some lows. You may have had some posts perform well - dare we say maybe one went viral - but you may also be experiencing a low level of engagement. It could be consistent, but the engagement is still low. 

What can you do?

Here are 4 key ways you can maximise your online visibility and improve the stats when posting for personal branding purposes:

1. Post more than you currently are

Suppose you’re only posting once a week, up it to twice and see how your engagement changes. On a saturated platform such as LinkedIn, you may find that your network isn’t as engaged because you aren’t posting enough. Posting an extra time per week will increase your visibility and, in turn, your engagement. 

It’s important to make this sustainable - don’t jump from posting once per week to three or four times if you can’t keep it up, consistency is key.

2. Engage with others regularly

A big part of personal branding that often goes unnoticed is the importance of building community. You can’t build community without engaging with others. Especially if someone has a big following on LinkedIn, take the time to engage with their posts and offer your opinion. 

If engaging with big ‘creators’ or ‘voices’ on LinkedIn isn’t your thing - that’s fine too. Scale it down and engage with smaller voices - just make the effort. Bonus points if you can stick to this consistently and engage with one or two posts daily. Remember, LinkedIn is a form of social media - you wouldn’t just post on your Instagram and refuse to interact with anybody else - the same principle should apply on LinkedIn. 

3. Get involved in podcasts, online talks, webinars

This is an excellent way to maximise your online visibility, and we know that it isn’t for everybody. However, if you’re someone who feels like you have the confidence and the time to invest in podcasts, webinars, and other online talks, then please do so. Even if you do it once a quarter - the reach that one piece of content can have, especially if it’s a video, can be exponential. Again, it’s all about being consistent; we aren’t saying post a video a week, instead, find something that’s manageable to elevate what you’re already doing.

4. Use your statistics

Finally, data is your friend. You don’t need to invest in fancy software, simply use the statistics that LinkedIn provides you with and use that to maximise your online visibility. Look at the things that have performed well, as well as the things that didn’t - and be strategic with what you’re posting. 

With personal branding, many people blindly post a couple of times a week and then get frustrated when they don’t see results. We’ve said it before (and we’ll say it again), building a personal brand takes time, and you have to nurture it. Use data and be smart with your posting; we promise that the rest will follow. 



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