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March Book Roundup: Female Writers for IWD

Mar 3, 2022
March Book Roundup: Female Writers for IWD

Welcome to the next instalment of our regular Book Roundup, where we give you the lowdown on the title’s on our shelf. This time, there’s a twist!

To mark International Women's Day this month, we’ve collected a list of book recommendations from our female colleagues, by female writers, which tackle women's issues or have been supportive and enlightening for women readers.

From the power of women’s anger to combating bias in the world of work, embracing menstrual life to the power of mindset and manifestation, these books have something for everyone to think about as we reflect on Breaking the Bias this March.

Burn It Down; Women writing about anger. By Lily Dancyger.

This collection of essays is first of all, digestible and impactful reading perfect for the morning commute. I know the term ‘essays’ can be off putting, but there’s no stuffy academic speak here! Think of them more as bite sized informative rants, both inspiring and necessary. I’ve been getting off the train feeling intellectual and fired up for the day. 

The writers of Burn It Down have pertinent observations and rare lessons to teach, from unique perspectives ranging across Race, Religion, Gender identity, Sexuality and more.

I recommend this book to both men and women interested in hearing real life accounts of why women are angry at the world, and the empowerment of harnessing that anger authentically.

Period Power. By Maisie Hill. 

Described as ‘a blueprint for aligning daily life with the menstrual cycle’, Period Power is a guide to transforming an experience that many find challenging and inconvenient to say the least, into a source of empowerment. Recommended by our team, they describe Hill’s book as ‘very inclusive and thought-provoking non fiction’ specifically celebrating the way that Period Power ‘also talks about trans experiences which can be very hard to get hold of when it comes to women's health’. We recommend this book to women and people who menstruate who want to learn more about how hormones affect our lives, and take control of the fluctuation from confidence and high energy to discomfort, fatigue and overwhelming emotions. As an acupuncturist, women’s health practitioner and doula, Maisie Hill is uniquely placed to teach us all about Cycle Strategy. 


Girl, Woman, Other. By Bernardine Evaristo.

Toted by our team simply as ‘unreal’, and summarised by Goodreads as ‘a love song to modern Britain and black womanhood’, Girl, Woman, Other is a contemporary novel following the lives of twelve diverse and individual characters, all about family, love and friendship, within stories of womanhood, race and the real experience of modern Britain.

A Sunday Times bestseller and Booker Prize winner, praise for this novel includes 'The most absorbing book I read all year', ‘This is Britain as it has never been told’, and ‘It brims with humanity’. We recommend this book not just to women or those identifying with the blakc british experience, but to anyone looking for an absorbing and impactful insight into the real and complex dynamics of both.

Why I'm no longer talking to white people about race. By Reni Eddo-Lodge.

Institutionalised, system racism is endemic in our society. In this necessary book, a light is shone closely upon this issue. Eddo-Lodge dug into responses to her 2014 blog of the same name, which addressed the futility of discussing race with the ‘vast majority who refuse to accept the legitimacy of structural racism and its symptoms’ and used them to produce the book, which explores issues ranging from the eradication of black history to the political purpose of white dominance, whitewashed feminism to the links between class and race, described as ‘It is a searing, illuminating, absolutely necessary exploration of what it is to be a person of colour in Britain today. We recommend this book to everyone, as we can all benefit from an eye opener and a deeper understanding of the reality of racism and racist systems today.

Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine. By Gail Honeyman.

One for the fiction seekers. This is a touching and sad story about a woman in isolation. Our team recommended this interesting read. The eponymous character Eleanor struggles with what are deemed ‘appropriate’ social skills, and tends to say exactly what she’s thinking. It’s been theorised that the novel is based on the experiences of an individual on the autism spectrum. It’s a story of connection, finding friendship, opening your heart, and creating a life that is more than just fine. We recommend this for those looking for a heartfelt fiction story and anyone who enjoys a less than typical heroine, ‘deadpan weirdness and unconscious wit’.

Little black book. By Otegha Uwagba.

A top recommendation from our team in ‘Nonfiction for working women’, particularly beloved by our freelancing friends! Perfect for creatives and those working for themselves as well as the full range of modern professionals, Uwagba’s Little Black Book give actionable insights from networking skills to pay rise negotiations, nailing personal brand to conquering creative block, this is the handbook every working woman can rely on

The Glass Wall. By Sue Unerman, Kathryn Jacob.

The glass ceiling divides women from success. The Glass Wall on the other hand, divides men and women in the workplace from one another. They can ‘see each other clearly through the divide, but they don't speak the same language or have the same expectations. And as a result, women and their careers are suffering’.

This book addresses the assumptions and miscommunications that are holding women back, as the root of clear underrepresentation of female leaders in senior positions. Drawing on Unerman and Jacobs experiences in male dominated workplaces, as well as hundreds of interviews, The Glass Wall aims to help women meet any professional challenge. It’s recommended for any woman looking to cultivate ambition, resilience, and to get noticed, but can also provide an alternative perspective for male colleagues interested to know more about the challenges that women truly face at work from day to day.


You are a Badass. By Jen Sincero.

This no1 New York Times Bestseller is described as a ‘refreshingly entertaining how-to guide’. For all those looking to overhaul their life for the better, the fun way. This book helps readers identify self sabotaging beliefs, and work to change them, as well as conquer your fears, build a money making strategy, cultivate self love and enhance your relationships, and ultimately set bigger goals, and reach them! ‘By the end of You Are a Badass, you'll understand why you are how you are, how to love what you can't change, how to change what you don't love, and how to use The Force to kick some serious ass.’

The Discomfort Zone. By Farrah Storr.

Described as honest, witty, insightful, brilliant and useful, this is a book about dealing with failure and discomfort. The ethos is that only outside our comfort zone can we grow, improve and realise our potential, a process the author terms ‘like HIIT training for your life’. Made up of advice, practical exercises and stories of Storrs experiences and examples of success from the worlds of athletics to entrepreneurship, The Discomfort Zone teaches the BMD (or brief moments of discomfort) method, as a way to reframe challenges into small tests that help us move forward, rather than insurmountable obstacles.

Just F*cking Do It. By Noor Hibbert.

In this ‘candid, no bullsh*t blueprint for living your most amazing life’, Hibbert takes readers on a journey of self discovery. Combining psychology with spirituality, this unique approach is all about finding your power. From harnessing the Law of Attraction, to how to ‘stop thinking small’, this is a comprehensive guide to building happiness, creating abundance, and realising your best self. Readers have found Noors approach to mindset and manifestation inspiring and effective in moving toward positive change.

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