The first days are nerve-wracking and exciting, and the vast majority of us had a great time. Minimal work, a team lunch and a celebratory drink are common ways to spend your first day.
This wasn’t the case for our colleague, who has unfortunately decided to remain anonymous.
“I remember this day so vividly, probably because it ended up being pretty traumatising.
This was 10 years ago, and I’d started my first job in recruitment. My line manager was pretty stern, and the firm I worked for was very clear about lunch hours and timings in general.
I was obviously trying to make a good impression and worked hard all morning, and at lunchtime nipped out to get something to eat. Our offices at the time were above United Colours of Benetton in Oxford Circus, so a beautiful location in London - I was excited to be working there.
As I was coming back into the office I hopped in the lift, which was archaic, to say the least, but I preferred not to use the stairs. I quickly realised that the lift had got stuck, and prayed that it would start moving again. After a few minutes of this I accepted that I needed to tell my manager, so sent them a text explaining I was stuck in the lift.
My manager then proceeded to tell everybody else in the team, who all crowded around the lift entrance where I supposedly was. The fire brigade arrived after I’d been stuck in there for a total of an hour, which doesn’t sound a lot to some, but when you’re on your own, on your first day, it feels like years.
The fire brigade arrived and quickly deciphered that I was stuck in-between floors, and they were going to have to physically lift me out.
There was no ladder, just two firemen hoisting me out of the lift (I was wearing a skirt) and all of my colleagues looked in disbelief as I emerged. I was already stressed about it being my first day, but this was just the icing on the cake.
It was hands-down the most unglamorous moment of my life. Luckily, I stayed at that firm for 9 years, so it all worked out in the end.
Once I got settled in the job I realised that the lifts broke all the time because they were old! It probably explains the cheap rent we paid for such an outstanding location.”
Have you got any first-day f*ck ups?
If so, we’d love to hear them. Leave a comment below or contact us with an anonymous submission.