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Introducing: The Orbis Academy

Feb 7, 2022
Introducing: The Orbis Academy

We want to tell you about a new project launching soon; The Orbis Academy, our training programme designed to give you a great head start in your career… 

But before we get into any details, the most important part to share is the story behind this initiative, and the lessons we’ve learned that have brought us here.

We say Orbis is a People Business.

We couldn’t do what we do without great understanding, connecting with others, and being motivated to help find solutions… Whether that’s landing talented individuals their dream careers, or allowing passionate founders and leaders to take their brand to the next level by bringing them together with those who share a vision, a synergy, and belong on their company journey.

It’s true for our own team as well. As we grow, what makes us better isn’t just adding great credentials, experience or resources to our portfolio; it’s connecting with people.

‘Great People’ is what we’re looking for. 

There’s no prerequisite of education, years of industry experience or existing knowledge. 

We believe that if you’re the right fit for the team, your attitude and mindset will allow you to grow and develop, and the rest comes later with our support.

We call this Investing in our people. We’ve been doing it for years through mentorship, internal training, listening to our team, and hiring based on values.

As we look to grow our team during this record-breaking time, in line with expansion globally, new offices and higher demand than ever… we needed to scale up the mission to find great people, and invest in those from all kinds of backgrounds through training and development.

That’s how the Orbis Academy was born.

Traditional Graduate schemes are not right for everyone, especially because we know that a degree is far from essential to build a successful career with Orbis. Typical Internships too have their drawbacks; many young people feel that interning can land them in a churn-and-burn system where real progression is out of reach.

The Academy is something different, designed as an antidote to:

  • Lack of Progression.
  • Being ‘thrown in at the deep end’.
  • Micromanagement and lack of independence.
  • A ‘one size fits all’ approach.

How have we come up with the magic formula you ask?


Sometimes traineeships simply hire new talent to support the company… We think this is backwards. We’re hiring to support you. 

The whole point of the Academy is to provide the essential elements of Knowledge, Support and Practice towards becoming a fully confident professional in the Talent Solutions field.

We ensure that we focus on your journey and help you to meet your goals by listening to our Academy Mentees. Our Learning and Development lead and mentors are on hand at all times to respond to specific needs and your curiosity, because we know that every story is not the same.


This is not a case of ‘figure it out on the job’. While we offer the opportunity to put your skills into practice from the word go, we commence the academy process with twelve weeks of immersive training, to equip you fully with everything you need to hit the ground running; which thereby sets you up for success and the possibility of maximizing your commission with us right away.

This is how we leverage our collective years of experience and our unique knowledge of the industry to provide the key tools to a career in Talent Solutions, for you to pick up and up and work with, no matter your previous experience.


‘In at the deep end’ vs ‘micromanaged’ – Neither extreme works for anybody!

Through years of real-world observation, we’ve identified the happy medium, which we support by balancing supportive training with the trust and independence to go out and learn for real.

You’ll be exposed to sales floor experience and given essential projects to get involved with from an early stage of the process. Whether you thrive more on theory or practice, on support or independence, you can find the right balance for your unique progression here. Everyone has the opportunity to go out and prove themselves.


This opportunity is open to all backgrounds. That means you may have zero industry experience, you may have a degree in a related subject, or you may have years of experience in the professional world, but be looking for a change of direction.

With such diverse people on board, we know that a template process isn’t an option.

You may fly through with existing knowledge, and graduate early within the six-month period. You also have access to continued training, refresher sessions and enrichment after graduation. This is something we offer to our entire team, as we believe in continuous learning. So whatever your starting point and whatever your pace, you’ll always be in step with a team who are constantly growing further.

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