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An Introduction to our Academy

Dec 15, 2022
An Introduction to our Academy

At Orbis, we’re proud to have a robust and engaging training scheme which has enabled us to train and develop junior talent from day #1 of their recruitment careers.

We sat down with our Academy Manager, Amani Fong, who gave us some insights into the Academy (as well as a great story at the end - ready to learn more?)

Talk us through the academy - what does an average day look like for someone in the academy? 

The beauty of the first 12 weeks is that every day is different! There is a mix of theory and interactive activities that enable the consultants to apply the knowledge that they’ve learnt and build up their confidence over time. As well as sessions delivered by external trainers which really add to the breadth of their knowledge. 

What would you say is the biggest challenge that trainee recruiters face and why? 

I would say having a preconception of the recruitment industry - let’s be honest there are a lot of recruitment consultancies out there and there are some good and some bad. Unfortunately, just like TripAdvisor, people only tend to remember the excellent and the very poor, so it’s up to them to put best practices into action and prove themselves. 

What is your favourite training “module” and why?

That’s a tough one but I would definitely say Active Listening. It’s one of those things that we don’t necessarily think about in our day-to-day lives but is an essential part of being a good consultative recruiter. 

How would you summarise Orbis’ academy in 3 words? 

Unique, fun, and thought-provoking! 

What is the biggest misconception that people have about the academy when they first join Orbis? 

That it’s not going to be fun! Just because we are learning doesn’t mean it’s going to be boring. 

What is the most memorable moment in your Orbis career running the Academy? 

The joy of the ACs making their first placement - that to me, means that they have really put what they have learnt into practice and connected all the dots. 

Talk us through a tough training module and how Orbis makes it digestible for AC’s.

Understanding candidate needs and motivations on a call. This is a pretty tough training module and there is so much to it. 

To make it more digestible we go through an overview and then break it into smaller bite-size modules for each part of the process. We then follow up with some shadowing on the sales floor so that they can see it practised before they try it out themselves. This enables us to cater for individuals who have different learning styles and make sure it has stuck. 

The funniest moment running the academy and why? 

So, there was one where Dylan (an AC of ours) came down to interview for the Academy from Ireland, but his flight kept getting delayed. He ended up getting down late in the evening so had to stay in a hostel overnight in the middle of a heatwave with no AC. 

He ended up having to use the ‘Egyptian method’ which is wrapping himself in a wet blanket to go to bed for those who don’t know! In the morning he headed to the office in a shirt but was soaked through by the time he got there and had to change into a different one in reception. 

Meanwhile, I had gone down to collect him and someone else answered to Dylan and tried to take his place. Needless to say, it was an eventful journey and he ended up getting the job but it was definitely a story that the academy enjoyed!

There was also an occasion when half the academy got stuck in the lift of our new offices after a social mixer as they exceeded the weight limit. We were all heading out afterwards and it turned out to be a real bonding experience for them.

We’re currently hiring for our Academy - hopefully, no more Egyptian method’s needed, but we’re keen to talk to aspiring recruiters who want to build an enriching career with us.


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